

remember..ive mention b4..yg aku nk diet..well..yurp..aku mmg makan skit at offis..tp..bile blk umah..aku kebuloq dan makn 2 kali ganda n sumtym lg byk..hahah..well..i try to stop myself..tp..lapa sgt..dhla sjuk ok..huu..mcm br klua dr freezer..adeyh..

ouh..btw..to tell about my LI..i dun really have d mood to tell any yet..hahaha..nntila..bile ade mse..ill story ok..tngguuuuu~=)

but wut can i tell..aku sgt pnt..klua umah at 7 a.m...and come back home at 7p.m..huu..jem sgt dasyat ok!sob3 =(


(--kalsiyum--) said...

saba je kak... sesungguhnya sabar itu sapruh drpd imannnn... XD

aRrEs™ said...


nnt erien story kt juares...

Budak Panjang said...

l.i itu best! yeah!

Sibudaktembam said...

kalsiyum : sy sanggup bersabar..tp..kalau tym jem tu..hangin gak!hahahah...=p

juares :ok..nnti kte story2 ye..

budak pnjang: waa..lme bdk pnjang xsinggah..hmm..LI mmg best..tp..dlm best tipula xbes kn..yg xbes die.well..u urself should noe..=p

PeNdEkA said...

upin, remember ive told you before..jgn biarkan diri anda xmkn more than 5hours..sbb after 5hours mmg akn sgt lapa..if da rase lapa sikit tu, grab any snack yg ringan (read: snack yg bagus la bukan junkfood)..hehe tetibe jd dietician pulak :P

Sibudaktembam said...

yurp2..im trying..to eat wut my body want not wat i desire..=p tq2...=)ill try..

p/s-haha..biasala cik ipin..kdg2..bile dh terbabas tu..xphm2 lg nk patah blk..manusia kn..lol=p

PeNdEkA said...

hehe bagus2..im trying to be back on track gk ni..mkn terbyk jugak as my aunt ni ske kasi makan..huhu