
Confius..confius..n confius..huh!

now evr1 tgh riso pasal LI..n termasukla aku nie..huu..where to go..aiyak..dhla dh apply berpuluh2 tempat LI..n none pn yg bls..kecuali 1..huuu.Elite Scientific Instrument..for me..it was a cool place..ull never imagine dat u'll do ur LI there n even work there..bes2..tp..sbb tu a..aku tepikir2..kalau aku wat LI kt situ..adekah..ianya ade kne mengena ngan EE??
if yes..aku akan accept d offer..i dun care if the elaun ciput or syartikat tu kecik..yg penting i gain some experience..n happy working there..n not forget..ianya ade kne mengene ngan EE..
so..oleh sbb still confius..aku still memikirkn offer my senior n my fren which..
either keje kt Lumut..no 1 i noe there accept for my senior..n major in oil n gas..fabrication..or g melaka with my other 2 frens..at TNB melaka..n no elaun..both of this place i need to sewa my own house..cume bezenye..kt lumut ada elaun..aiyak..yg kt lumut tu..of coz..i will ajak my fren skali wo ..ramai2 la br bes kn..tp..takotla..coz ade interview..xcnfirm dpt ke x..n of cozla kalau ade interview..waa..sgtla jauh..so..yg tawaran TNB tu msh num 1st la after ESI..sbb ESI dkt KL je..hehhe..yg lumut tu..hmm..ntahla..n.of coz...sy masih lg menunggu offer2 yg len..
hmm..cnfius2..tpkn...d bad thing is..esk sy kne cnfirmkn kt those places..cmne nie..cnfiussnyeee..waaa...=(