
im too tired..

huuu..akhirnye..berakahir sudah paper comsys ku..comsys ye..bkn somsys..maap diatas sdikit typo pd entry yg lepas..waa...bdn aku tersa sengal2..otak aku sgt letih..emosi pn xstabill..huwaa..aku sgt penat!!i really2 need a gud rest...tp....slps paper semicon aku kamis nie..hopefully aku dpt buat yg terbaek...chaiyokkk bdk tembam!!

p/s-ouh..sgt jeeles dgn rakan2 ku yg dh abes paper mereka..korang~~slamat bercuti ok...=)


hmm..8.40 p.m..huwaa...dh kne trun COE..study2..2 more paper to go..wee..xsabarnye nk abes final~~semoga sy boley mnjawab paper somsys esk ngan jayanye...adui..bak kate my fren..nk klua hall ngan syman ..bkn mcm klua dr hell..lol..=p msm2..ape barang..hahaha..


pnat...tp..happy..thanx family..stlh hampir 3 minngu xberjmpe..xblk kerumah terchenta..anda smue dtg melawat sy di UNITEN nie..dan g dinner bersme..kenyang2..heheh..im so lucky to have u guyz..ouh..doakan my xm esk n esk n esk ye..waaa...

erin in happy mode...=) wee~~


kegembiraan xkn datang kirenye xmelalui kesedihan..tp..smpai bila??huu..

hmm..aku tgh busan2..n mls2..nk study pn dh xde mood..huu..so..aku mmbz kn diri aku ngan mmbacce post2 lme..aku perasan..dlu..aku byk mnceritakan aktiviti2 yg aku join..wlw sdih..tp..aku happy sbb aku bz ngan bende len..tp..skung..bile sdih..aku makin sdih..aku xrse my new restart menjadi..huu..seperti hampir menemui kegagalan je....

td ptg...supposely ...bile bermaen basketball..aku ptt dpt meleyapkn kesedihan aku..tp..knape aku masih xhappy..arini..xperform..mls nk larila..nk shoot pn mls..hanye mengepaskn bola je..sori ye pd team2 kanak2 riang td kirenye sy tidak bermen ngan ceria..bkn ape..mood xsmpai lg..otak pn tgh serabut..tp...anda smue sgt hebat td..len kali men lg k..btol..lps nie..kte akan men dgn lbh hebat lg..tao2..i promise dat..

ouh..dan mse men ngan team2 ammar td plak..sy dh mle ade mood..happy xlagi..tp skurang-kurangye rajin skitla nk guard org n berlari2..tp..msh xperform..ouh..dan sgt xpuas men td..pnat2..lth2..tp hanye letih mnjaga org dan kejar bola..kurang mengeshoot..munkin kegunaan ku xdiperlukan kot??hahha..spe jela aku nie kn..hanyela..semut2 kecil2 yg tnggu mse kne pijak je..hahah..ape perumpamaan daaaa..lol..=p

hmm..xpela..skurang2nye mse bermen td..aku xpk pape sgt pn td..hanye frust sbb kurang perform..hahah.ptt lbh berusaha..kte kne practise lebih ni ipin..nnti kte hanya akan dipandang sbg semut2 kecil je..xbes wo..chaiyok2...keminatan ku pd basketball xkn pudar!!!hahah..smgt!=p

p/s-i miss my old days..huu..

seram sejuk..hahah..apekah??

hahaha..klaka..arini..aku abes study kt coe..dlm kul4 pg cmtu..huu..otw back to murni..tb2 rse pelik..rse len...perasaan yg semacam..w0ooo0oo..cuak jap..xpnh2 rse cmtu..so..aku pk..nk blk ke coe atau truskn je perjlanan.arghh...gile ..xmola..nk blk..nk tdo..but then mse jln2...huu..aneh..i need to call sum1 nie..pk2..nk call si dia??dia??atau dia?argh...pastila x..pasti dh tdo..so..aku pn pk..spe yg gne celcom n pasti xtdo lg..haa~~call mmber aku yg kt coe td la..haahhahha.tp..bile cal..mcm..nk ckp pe eyh..erk..br jmpe kot..hahah..lntakla..call je..jnji ade dgr sore org..huu....tp..demn!!mmber ku pun jahat..xgne tul..lg takutkn aku adela..hoo..tension jap..hahha..tp thanx korang..atleast..aku slmt smpai kn??hehehe..

huarggghh..ngantuk sudah..nk tdo dlu..kang tertido dpn laptop lg..parah kes nie..hahah..nyte smue..oppss..morning..=p


bermula la sebuah perjuangan..huu..takutnye...=(


jamban oo jamban..=p

'sape tau..sape yg buat jamban..angkat tgn skit..heheh..'
dpt choc dr my fren,en. X..ahahah..konon nye lucky choc..
xley mkn..sbb kalau mkn nnti luck tu ilang..
tq ye en.X..
sy xmkn..
sy tnggu abes final br mkn..
p/s-kalau sum1 special yg kasi pasti lg happy kn..hehehe..juares..jgn jeles..i dpt choc..lalala=p

aku bkn lesbian ok!hahaha..=p

aku bknla lesbian nk rindu2 pompuan nie..tp..seriously..aku rindu ngan miss N..huu..i miss all d tym we have together..tym..ktorang g tgk wayang ber2...tym wut keje gile2..bodo2..sme2..huuu..lepak sme2..men BB sme2..join smue bende sme2..hahah..klaka..terasa mcm les plak..huu..

bkn aku xley wut smue tu tanpa kau..aku tau..aku mampu..sblm nie pn..aku buat je sorang2..sebelum kau wujud n muncul dlm idup aku..aku pn mcm aku skung nie jgk..tp...xtau..rindu tu pasti ada..kte makin jauh..cmne nk dktkn??mungkin aku pn tiada inisiataif itu..bkn xmo..tp..aku terpakse melepaskn kau miss N..

kdg2 xsmue bende yg kte rncang tu ikut ape yg kte rncang kn??byk kenangan pahit dan manis mse kte bersme..aku xkn lpekn nye..dan aku simpan smpai bile2..aku doakan kau bahagia..dan wlwpn kte dh xserapat dlu..kte masih kawan kn???skung..br aku tau..knp berdua itu lbh baek..tp..sorang itu lbh simple kn?wee~~=)

smoga kau bahagia dgn kehidupan kau..dan semoga aku juga berjaya mengahadapi mse2 dpn aku..aku masih ada kwn2 yg len jgkkn???huu..

p/s-dah2...out dlu..huu..g study jap..lalala=p


haha..klaka..aku tdo lg dpn laptop!hahah..tgh sdap2 chatting bley plak tertido..adui..ape nk jd nie..huu..bgn2 je tersedar..dh kul 9..waa...alamak..aku lpe wish en M for his test..gud luck ye..hmm..lps nie..kne wish smue kwn2 aku awal2 la nie..haii.budget ley bgn awal la plakkn..hahah..
hmm..smlm di coe..lg skali..ade org tgr akan ketembaman aku..demn!!!and ade plakkn sorang mamat nie..ckp die dh makin kurus..ala..sy mau kurus jgk boley??jeles2..juares r ni..tgk..sy sudah jeles..haahah..adui..ape perlu aku buat??pe lg..diet la..hahhaha..hmm..lgpn aku perlu persiapkn diri for dinner reunion skola nnti..so..xley tembam2..hahha..bln 6 nnti.now..bln 3..smpat ke eyh??hmm..smpat2..think +ve..wee..aku akan try my best la..usually i'll break d rulz with choc n bla3..so..can i not break d rulz??hmm...wish me luck korang!!=p
ouh..lpe plak..wlwpn..lme lg..ade dlm 3 bln lg..tp..pening nk pakai bj ape..ahaha.en ad..ade cadangan?heheh..xkn jual bju utk jumpe mak mertua je??lalalall.=p..utk g event xde plak?lol!!
eyh.dh2..nk mandi2..nk siap2 g study..eis xbce lg ni..mati aku..esk dh nk xm..waaaaaaaaaa~=(


hahah..trukkn aku..bile org tanye xm kau kul bpe wei..lol!xtau..aku tau ari je..apekah!!aku rse sem nie aku plng mls nk amek tau tym xm aku..yeke??mcm evrysem je kau mls amek tau..hahah..tp...lol!kali ni mmg plng mls ok..ticket xm pn xamek lg nie..ape kes ...huu..biala..1st xm pn ptg..amek pg tu pn bley je kn??hoo..
erk..aku br bkk info aku..pastu aku tgk..eis 26..ok..aku tau..kamis kn..tgk hp..(xtgk calender tp tgk kt screen)..erk..25.03.2009..errr...esk??huu..aku xstudy pape lg nie..gile..arini br slase..huu..check2 calender..demn!!hp slh setting..hahah..cuak jap..
wee~~xsaba menanti ari2 ku berlalu..aku mau berlari sekuat ati..xmo toley blkng lg boleyy??tp..aku pasti akan..cmne nieeee....
ouh..br teringat..sis aku br smbung study smlm...sis..cmne sne??ade bes ngak..lol..slamat dtg ke dunia varsity...xsangka...adek aku dh besa..hahah..


tagged by juares~

1. How old are you?
21... =)

2. Are you single?

3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
hmm..xtau..tgk jodoh..tp..nk kawen umo 27 boley??heheh..

4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
erk..spe??ade ke??hmm..

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
xtau..mungkin sidia??atau die?atau dia?hahhah..

6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
org yg plng rapat ngan aku..i want them to be beside me..

7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
xpk lg..nntila..hahah..i should ask him dlu kot..

8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?

9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
insyallah..smue yg aku knal..dan mengenali dri ku..

10. Will that include your exes?
yurp..coz mereka msh kwn sy kn?

11. How many layers of cake do you want?
sy nk..3 kot..choc dan chesse..sbb mungkin dia ske cheese cake??=p

12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening??
pg la..kalau mlm nnti dh pnat..hahah..

13. Name the song/tune you’d like to play at your wedding
ok..i noe..mcm klaka..tp..nk lagu..aku merindu..hahah..knape??xtau..ske~

14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
normal spoon n fork jela..

15. Champagne or red wine?
dua2 xmo..hahah..

16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
tgk keadaan..tp..xrse right after the wedding kot..

17. Money or household items?
trime je pape..=) jnji ikhlas!

18. How many kids would you like to have?
sy nk 4 boley??heheh..

19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
heheh..i'll remember all da moment..by heart..

20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know ?
xtau...spe2 rse nk buat??sile2..

p/s-wow..jauh lg perjalanan....tp..sy harap..supaya sy bahagia smpai bile2..ngan jodoh sy..=)

Selamat pagi isnin~

Slamat pagi isnin..hehhe..hmm..minggu xm sudah bermula..mostly member2 aku tgh bertarung mengambil xm nie ha..MALAYSIAN STUDIES..GUD LUCK YE RAKAN2..aku plak??br bgn..hahah..lol..msh pening2..kerana tdo yg mcm hampeh..xlene lngsung..mungkin riso pasal final??byk lg xcover??adeyh..hmm..maka..minggu disaster sudah bermula..minggu kekusutan..kecelaruan...kebzan..kepressuran..minggu nescafe..argh..xperlu nescafe..aku sdah ssh utk tdo..wlwpn mengantuk..w0ooo000oo..~~


@4.30 a.m~

huu.mengapa masih xley tdo..wlwpn mengantuk??argh...huu..xley tdo mmbuatkn aku menstalkerkn diri..pastu..sdang cbe menclick2..blog org len..aku tertekan link ni..di blog en ad la nie...adui..pukul 4.30 dan keseorangan di bilik nie..membuatkn..erk..huwaaaaaa...nk ade peneman tdo plss....huhu..


sabtu tgh hari..

alone..sorang2..diapartment..dok dlm bilik lg..ngadap laptop..laptop ni mmg pneman setia akula skung..hahah..adeyh..perot dh lapa..berbunyi2..menari2 ni ha..mintak diisi..hmm..nk g tapau fud..mls!!dhla kete park kt lua..huu..pns2..nk mkn ape yg ade pn..stock dh xde..kosong..ade meehoon segere pn..ala..tu tym darurat je..huu..xpyh mknla..hmm..kang xmkn..nk study pn xsyok..asek pk fud..huu..tb2 terpikir..kalau kt rumah nie..mesti tgh tlng ibu msk..haii..tb2 rindu umah..huu..n rindu ayah..ayah..i miss u..huu..=(

pg yg sunyi..

4.18 pagi..sabtu..sunyi..wow!!xtdo lg..huu..nk wat cmne..td terkandas kt coe until 4..ujan2..hmm..cmne nie..dhla pg nnti nk g jog ngan elle..waaa...ahhah..elle..kalau aku xbgn..mintak maap eyh..tp aku harap kau dpt kejutkn aku..n aku xtdo mati..huu...

plan sabtu nie..
g jog..blk..sambung tdo..bgn lunch..kul 2 cmtu g lib study..tp..tu plan jela kn..hikhik..hmm..n ptg nnti nk men basket lg..waaa..ptg smlm slps skian lme xmen..n men blk..besnye..happy sgt..mslh pn dpt dilupkan skejap..ouh..ckp psl mslh ..aku rse..aku dh makin pulih..hmm..kdg2..kalau xpk sgt prob tu..aku rse idup lbh happy daan ceria..thanx kpd kawan2 yg menyupport..wee=)thanx ye..

hmm,.n aku pn dh ley addopt ngan new situation..new environment..hmm..dh ley sesuaikn diri blk..xpe..ape yg berlaku..aku akur..mungkin ade hikmahnye..mungkin bende nie ley bantu aku mengenal ape yg ptt dan tidak....dan hindari bende yg xptt..
thanx ALLAH..for giving me such dugaan..bende ni byk mengajar aku erti idup dan berdikari..malah lbh byk mengubah aku mnjadi seorang yg lbh matang..heheh..erk..matang ke?matangla..perangai je knk2..pikiran ok la tuuKK...wee....=p

eyh2..byk pulak aku bermukadimah..xpe2..abaikn bende2 yg dh leps..get a new life..n enjoying my remaining day in uniten..=)weee....dh kul 4.30 nie..i should try to tdo la..aiyak!!

nite korang..opss..morning korang..

p/s-thanx kt smue yg men basket ptg smlm.sy btol2 njoy..gelak je d whole game..ouh..n abes basah bju..jatuh2..ipin la ni...guard sy smpai xley nk jauh..taula..ipin dan upin xley dipisahkn..lol..=p


jUmaat ku~

it 2.50 p.m..org smue dh abes smbhnyang jumaat..aku kt atas katil..mengadap laptop..OMG!!!my bilik..mcm tongkang pecah..wt...adeyh...hahah..malu2..mlsnye nk kemas..huu..aku sgt letihla..=(

huu..3 paper dh setel..tnggal another 4 paper which is..

EIS (26 march)
Dsp (30 marchl)
comSys(31 march)
semicOn(2 april)
tp jeles ngan en add dan muazan..xadil2..dorang abes on 1..huu.smlm siap bangga2 lg abes awal..ceh!!ahhaha..
hmm..tgh pikir nie..nk blk ke..nk dok uniten je..huu..kalau xblk..bosannye..xde ape2 pn kt sini..tp kalau blk..mlsnye..kang blk xde buat ape2 jgk..nnti end up..melepak2 je..xstudy pn..atleas dok uniten nie..ley la paksa diri skit..huu~~tp..kalau blk umah bes!!ley kaco2..sakat2 adek..hangout ngan besties..dok uniten nie lonely la..dok dlm bilik..teperat..ngadap laptop..huu..
wO00ooOO~~mlsla nk pk..jum2..ptg ni men basket..lme dh xmen basket..rindu~~


tanpa internet??

huu..idup tanpa internet aku boley..tp..utk saat2 n masa2 sgt memerlukannya aku xley..huu..smlm..1 ari suntuk tnggu tenet ni xbengong..tp bengong jgk..smpai arini..br ley..huu..ssh wo..project..file smue xley transfer..keje pn jd lmbt nk setelkn..haii...dhla tu..pg td..nk add apartment pn xley..dh la xtau time slot kul bpe..last2 tau pn..dh kul 9 lbh cmtu..n time slot aku actually sgtla awal kul 8.31 pg..awalkn??tp..dpt add pn dlm kul 10++..tu pn atas bantuan seorang kawan..than ye echa...=)tenkiu sgt2...

p/s- arini..auntie tu msh xpuas ati ngan aku lg la..huu..ade je nk cr kesalahan aku..slame ni xpnh plakkn..aii..tension!!huu..oppss..ade lg 2 jam..nk test microp lab.hu..cuak2...coding apela kang..wish me luck k..heee..out!



aku mampu tersenyum..LI nye case dh setel..huu...tgh tnggu offer letter dtg je..tp..bkn esok dah ari last ke??cmne eyh??huu..jap lg nk g COE nye office..tanye cmne..
cte nye bermula pd ari isnin aritu.pd tgh hari ..aku mndapat call dari CELCOM..akhirnye..communcation company...celcom..huu...tp..die suh aku cnfirmkn by selasa.so..aku mse tu mcm xdpt berpikir sgt..sbb cnfius..nk pilih star atau JVC..n xterpikir pn nk amek celcom..sbb las minit kn..huu..so..pd ari selasa..aku call blk celcom..n aku menolaknye..demn!!satu kekesalan disitu..pastu aku trus call star..aku stuju nk wat LI kt sana..tp..sbnrnrnye aku call star bknla nk bersetuju..nk tanye je msh vacancy lg ke..sbb dlm surat tu kne reply seawal mungkin..and ada..aku trus stuju..tp..mcmne pn..aku kne anta surat jwpn..huu..dan sekarang..aku rse aku kene call dan anta sura penolakn..hmm..kt JVC dan ESI jgk ..huu..hmm..harap2 mereka terime..maap ye..bkn tamak..tidak sekali2..aku bersyukur sgt..alhamdulillah..rezeki ku masih ada..hmm..so..selepas case2 penolakan dan penerimaan..ptg tu..aku xdok diam..msh berpikir2 lg..apekah??msh xberpuas ati?atau tu bkn a gud choice..huu..akhirnye aku sedar..aku perlu go for celcom..lol..nk call blk..dh terlambat its already 5.30..offis pn dh tutup kot..hmm..so..aku berdoa utk ari esk..dan menanti pnh sbr..xsabar nye..
pg nie...
1st skali call(8.45 pg)...alamak..
org disana :maap ye cik yati xde..call lg 15 minit bley?
org disini :ouh..yeke??ok2..bley3..time kasih eyh..
2nd time call(after 15 min)
org disini : hello..miss yati plss??
org disane : ye sy...
so..d conversation continue..dan akhirnye..persetujuan tlh dibuat..sy stuju trime offer tu tao cik yati..maap atas segala kesulitan..haii..alhamdulillah..nsb bek msh berpeluang..bersyukur gile..so..skung merisokn offer letter jela..jgn kang tnggu2..xsampai2..naye gak aku..yela..yg len dh tolak..xke naye nmenye tu..uisyh..
*menanti dgn penuh ketakutan*lol~


sticker ku dirampas!!

murni??arghh!!aku dh band murni..expecially makcik india yg jaga kt gate tu...huu..rmpas sticker aku.sdih wo!!cmne nk begerak bebas nie??huuu..sdih3..


sakit dan happy..wee=)

ibu..ayah..thanx..buatkn small operation for me..thanx jgk kpd adik adikku..wee..time kasih dlm mmbantu mengeluarkn nanah di tapak kaki ku..sakit wo..menyimpan ye slame seminggu lebih..berdenyut2..akhirnye..nanah tu dh xde..n tapak kaki ku dh berlobang..hahahha..klaka..tp..serius..dh berlobang..xpe2..yg pnting dh xsesakit dlu..huu..=)
n today..sy sgt happy..wee..time kasih bwk sy mkn mcd ..hahha..ckp nk kurus..tp..mkn fas fud kn..xpe...sekali je kn???mcd mengantikn kesakitan kaki..lol!!!cik ipin..sy cbe mkn mc chicken utk 1st tym..xrse ayam sebenar pn..heheh..=p..ptt beli ayam kt pasar..n leyek2 sendriri pastu wat burger sendiri..cmpur ngan spinach n onion..sdap wo..nk try la nnti..ehhehe..mau skit???nyum!
ouh..restart program bejalan lncar arini..semoga..ari2 len pn begitu n dpt restart smpai window cerah dan xde prob..time kasih rakan!!!


Restart my life all over again..=(

huu..lately nie..mcm2 happen..sgt byk..huu..plbagai dugaan..kesedihan dtg..dan aku sgt sdih..

i need to restart my life all over again..in...evrything!!!
huu..its not an easy things to do..alot of effort..pengorbanan perlu dilakukn..tp..aku akan cbe utk lakukan ye ngan sebaik mungkin..huu..dan kepada sesiapa yg terlibat..aku mintak maap byk2..aku akan cube yg terbaek utk menjadi lebih baek..=) i hope so..tp..kdg2 xsmue akan puas kn?cme aku harap..aku diterime seadanya..n ill try my bes k..huu...
maka dgn ini..bermula pd esk ari..ari isnin..bersamaan ngan 16 march 2009..aku akan direstart..ianya mungkin mengambil mse yg agak lame..maka..sekirenye sepanjang tempoh restart ni..ade sedikit bende..attitude ..atau apa2 je berubah..anda smue diharapkn memhaminya..huu..n mungkin selepas restart ni..ada apa2 perubahan..sy mintak maap byk2..kdg2..tempoh restart ni mungkin akan membuat emosi ku berubah2..pendiam mungkin..itu tidak dpt dikenal pasti lg..segala kemungkinan pasti akan berlaku..sob3..=(
p/s-kpd cik ipin..kalau ada anti-virus yg lbh kuat..selain kapersky..sila suggestkn kpd sy ye cik ipin..i really need it..soo...soo..much..huu..


midnite yg kecewe!!

short notice :


p/s-smlm..mse g tgk dragon ball ngan mmber2 dan ade jgk senior2...huu..sorang senior nie tgr..kamu dh tuttttttt(sambil buat aksi pipi kembung bersme tgn2 nye)..huu..sdih ok!!!!=(

------->>>ouh..dan muvi dragon ball jgk..bkn xbes..tp..lg bes kalau dlm jepun..english mcm klaka la..hahah..lol..cte nie xlme...tp..sy msh tersenguk2 menonton ye..waaaaa..rugi2...



ok..skung..aku btol2 cnfius..help me pls..huu..internship..alhamdulillah aku dh ada 3 tempat..tp..aku xtau nk choose kt mne la..bkn tamak atau ape..cme nk cr d best..so that i njoy working there n gain a lot of experience..and meet a lot of new people..huu..pening2..

tempat pertama..
Elite scientific Instrument..jika anda rajin..leyla msk website die..www.esi.com.my.. diz place..mcm xpnh terpikir pn nk keje kt situ..sbb mse apply tu..tgk die nye name company mcm cool..instrument2 sumthing which im so into it..tp..lps dh dpt..research2..br tau syarikat nie..research and development n bahagian agriculture cmtu..so..mcm??wow!!xpnh terpikir pn..tp..menarekla..sbb new experience kn..allowance??rm 300..kt mne?kt dpn south city plaza sri kembagan je..dkt gakla ngan umah..dlm 15-20 minit..smpai..hmm..n keje ni more to site la..so..kne gagah n thn pns..tu xde hal la..ske aktiviti lua nie..=p..sy akan diberi project di UPM atau mardi atau Um..mcmtula..

tempat kedua plak..
Star Publication(Malaysia)..terletak kt shah alam..bukit beruntung..agak jauh dr umah..dlm 30-40 min..more to maintainance and operation thingy sumthing..interesting gak.. minat manufact2 nie...n byk men ngan machine..hmm..manager die..chinnese..so..kne gagah skitla..xley mls2 ye wahai diriku ini..hahaha..

tempat ketiga plak..
actually aku dh dpt call from dis syarikat..2 weeks ago..n die suh cnfirmkn by esk ye..tp..aku mcm xcnfirmkn blk..n tb2..ptg smlm..my mom call n ckp dpt surat dr dis company..tu yg plik tu..sbb aritu die call..kalau cnfirm br smpai surat..n surat tu pn..br je diposkn dlm 3 ari lps..so..guess wut..wut company??hmm..JVC video..beskn??bes2...ala2...sony la kn..hmm..terletak kt shah alam dan mengambil masa dlm 30-35 minit...hmm..aku diletakkn dibwh manager pompuan melayu..mcm cool jer..hee..tp..aritu dgr sore mcm garang..cuak gakla..hmm..aku diletakkn dibawah research and development..so...intresting kn...xjge machine sblknye more to research..cool!!tp..xde allowance...n ade shift..8a.m-5.45 pm...7 a.m-3p.m and 3.p.m-11 p.m..depends..hmm..aritu ingt mcm dh tolak tawaran nie..so..xperlu pk2 kn..tp..now..pas dpt surat which xsangka gakla.. mcm pk2 gakla blk..+ ayah juga mmberi galakkn..utk mse dpn..dis syarikat mcm lbh preferable la...even no allowance ok...

so..sy sudah pening..xtau nkpilih yang mne...kalau anda jd sy..anda akan pilih yg mne??huu..peningla...adeyh..allowance..xde allowance..mse dpn..xmse dpn..kos perjalanan..mse perjalanan,..huu..smuenye bermain2 dipikiran..lol...confius ok!!

tp..bile tgk2 blk..even sy nk major in manufact..instrument..process and communication..tp..xde 1 pn communication company tawarkn intern..hahah..lol..=p



dear sis...
arini nk amek result SPM kn??gud luck ye..wish u all da best..wut ever the result is..i'll proud of u..chaiyok~~wooo!!

p/s-waa...its 4 a.m...awalnye aku bgn..aku terjaga lorr..smlm tertido dpn laptop..hahah..lawak gile..=p



waa..bile pk2 blk..rsenye mcm dh lme je aku xpakai retainer nie..n dh lme jgk aku xberdating ngan dentist aku..almost 7-8 month kn kte xberjumpe doc...n spttnye evry 6 month aku kne tnjuk gigi aku nie kt die..haiyaaa...n skung nie..aku rse gigi aku semakin longar2 ...dan bounded retainer aku jgk smakin keilangan glue2 nye..hahahah..lol..adekah gigi aku semakin jarang2..ye..mungkin..sbb lps mkn je..aku rse xselese sgt2...

ouh..esk..aku kne call itu dentist wo..kne set date nk dating ngan die by dis weekend..aiyak..lecehnye..mls btol nk drive begitu jauh...

p/s-teringin nk mkn waffle..esk nk bli la..nyum2..=p lol!..ade waffle pisang+choc x??mcm menarek je..ahhaha..


sdihkn..smlm..dpt paper semicon blk..huu..evry1 cam happy ngan paper dorang...kecuali utk aku..aku sdih wei..aku diam je 4d whole cluz tuu..next cluz pn aku ponteng..demn!!!semicon..oo..semicon..test 2 is easier than test 1 tp npe result mcm haram..kekecewaan melanda lg bile dpt carry mark and all my fren..perghh..hebat siot korang..aku???haisyh...adekah aku byk sgt men lately nie???tp..final lg ssh maa..cmne nk keja mereka blk??n of coz..adekah sy msh ada harapan to get a gud result??=(

sdih..sdih..sdih..now ade beberapa hari je lg nk final..perghh..i need to struggle kn??double extra from any1..can i do dat??hmm..


indoor rowing@ksm bangi..

huu..dh 3 ari berlalu d event..tp..d memories still remain..wee..ksm diz year sgt bes ok!!n thanx to nicky coz ajak si upin menjoin diz rowing thingy..hehe..upin n ipin..a new name for me n nicky..hahha..cute je kn..=p

huu..actually xpnh pn tarik diz 'mesin rowing'..hahah..tp..sje2la nk try..coz mcm berminat la jgk..dlu dh ade org ajak join rowing team..tp..tkt xley bg comitment+im not that fit..hoo..bdn berat kot..=p then try2 mcm menarek gakla..even sgt letih wo..i ate a lot during this rowing training..tp..mse tu xnmpk pisang lg..so xde tenaga..hahha..kn ad n muazan..huu..mereka ni sgt ske ngan pisang..wee~~

hmm..evryday start ari slase smpaila jumaat kami train..in 4 days je..huu..so..we didnt expect much..mmg kami tau akan kalah ngan team me/ce..so..we just do our best je..tp..yg xsangke..kami kalah ngan account..sdih..hahaha..akhirnye mereka dpt mmbalas dndam jgkkn?aiyo..kecewe..maka kami pn mdapat tmpat ke 3..bronze je..tp..xpela..tu pn dh ok kn..smue pn msh baru..

hmm..kt rowing nie..i meet a lot of new fren..seperti...bella..eey..ngan nad..mereka sgt bes ok..nice to meet u guyz..nnti bebile jmpe jgn sumbung2 ye..n congrat to bella jgk..ye2 je pnat..xlarat tp..still maintain dpt bronze jgkkn??congrat ye..hmm..pd eey n nad..u guyz have done a gud job tao..wlw xdpt medal..tp..sy dan yg len bangga ngan anda..sbb anda berjaya menghabiskn 1K tu..pnat tuuuuu..anda b2 sgt gagah okeyh..n xlpe jgk kpd team aku..nicky..hajar ngan cat..u guys!!cool...weee..kte dpt 3rd place pn xpe..yg pnting kte bersemangat kn dat day..kpd cat..jgn sdih2 eyh..awk dh cbe yg terbek..xpe..nnti kte train lg kasi mantap..n kpd hajar..thanx sbb menyelamatkn team kte tu..we proud of u..n kpd nicky jgk..si ipin..wee..anda mmg mntapla wei...=p

hmm..kt rowing nie jgkla..1st tym sy berckp ngan en ad n muazan..huu..rse mcm pnh tgk mereka b4 nie..tp..br tym niela knal n ckp smue..huu..1st tagline yg aku n nicky bg...'relex2 sudey..kayuh plan2 k..' =p weee...hahaha..n smpai now..ktorang asek arguing psl rowing nie..tp..yg xley bla bile closing ceremony tu..en muazan snggup trun nek pntas sbb nk bwk banner tu..yurp..wee proud of u guyz..even kami kalah pn...we noe our standard..mne xnye..most of ee bknla rowers kn..kecuali guys la kn...

pape pn..congrat kpd me/ce..n congrat jgk kt ee/ep team..majula sukan utk uniten..hahhah..wooooooooo~~~

p/s-pastii merindui tym2 KSM nie..xrugi rsenye join utk kali terakhir ni..sob..sdih..=(

another test...

What's my personality love style?
Here is the analysis:
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.

Personality test i get from ipin page..hahha..=p

nicky!!!wee..after view ur blog..im intrested of doing the same personality test..huwaa...n i get this result which it seem kind of true..fuhh..expecially wut i most afraid of..intresting huh...

this is wut i get....

Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education:
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.


lama vs baru...

huu..lately nie..byk btol kngn lme dtg..hmm..aku bkn xske bile kenangan2 nie dtg..aku pnh bahagia dlu..pnh..tp..malangnye..smue tu dh berakhir..n aku nk lpekn nye..andai kenangan tu dtg kembali..aku pasti runsing..kerana aku xmo kebahagiaan yg sekarang ni hilang...dlu kebahagiaan tu hilang..dgn sebab dan alasan yang sgt remeh..dan aku xmo kebahagian yg sekarang ni akan hilang atas alasan yang sme..andai kenagan dlu kembali..biala ianye hanya menjadi kenangan..wlw aku memberi ruang utk kenangan lama tu dtg...ya..aku mengaku..aku membuka ati aku kembali..bagaimana nk lupekan kenangan lama kn??kenangan yg telah byk mengajar aku erti kebahagian..kesedihan..kekecewaan..tp..mcm aku ckp..kenangan adalah kenangan..wlw sebesar mana pn ati aku ni aku buka....
ianya ttp kenangan...
p/s-hahaha..nk g KSM pn msh smpat buat luahan perasaan..dh2..g mndi...lol..=p
gooD morning evry1...
pasukan ee/ep akan berentap lg utk KSM fasa 2...
so..gud luck korang smue..
n kpd smue rowers..
try our best today k..
we can do it..=)
p/s-kali nie..nk amek byk skit pic la..lol..=p


esk dhla ade test..
n mcm2 happen tonite..
dgn kemalasan..
ditambah pula dgn..
kekecewaan aku..
kau msh xmemahami aku kn..
ssh ke utk paham aku nie??=(


Futsal@KSM@muadzam and d story..

hmm..diz sem..aku byk melibatkn dr dgn pysical activities..hahah..n mostly futsal..ok..ksm ni pn actually mcm xtau nk bg nme kt spe smue..untilla aku knal wan..which my cluzmate kt kdkb..hmm..smgtla kami beramai2 bg name..smpai bak kate die..dh terlalu ramai kne la wat selection..so..lg beberapa ari nk g muadzam..kami digemparkn dgn penarikn dr smue player2 dan dr ramai2 yg tnggal hanyela 4 org..which..kalau 4 org..futsal xdptla anta team pompuan ee/ep...waduh..sdihnye cmtu..ade injured..ade yg xm..ade yg msk game len..haisyh..sdihnye tym tu..smgt nk men tu pn dh berkurang..sian jgk kt meem which diela juga player..die jugala cr player..die jugala manager..
a day b4 muadzam..yay!!kami finally..cukup..5 org..hahaha..cukup2..mkn je tu..juz cukup syarat..sbb futsal mmg kne anta 5 player n 5 sub..n guess wut kami xde sub..gile x gile..

player ee/ep futsal pompuan...adalah..aku sendiri(keeper)..meem(tgh)..naza(wing kanan)..nicky(wing kiri)...ngan wana(defend)..wow..how we can survive for 4 game for only 5 person..

mse on d way tu..waaa..kecuakkn bertambah..lg2 melihat pasukan me/ce yg mntap2..dan kesemngatan aku dijatuhkn juga dgn player futsal lelaki yg memandang rndah kami..seolah2..kami xlayak pn utk dpt tempat 1,2 or 3..

huu..dlm ati..aku tnmkn azam..we need to show to them guyz..that we can do it..
so..kami pn bermati-matian la pada ari perlawanan tu....


game kami yg pertama bertemu dgn finance...alhamdulillah kami menang 1-0 dimana jaringan dibuat oleh wana..wow..jauh tu die sepak..n no 1 expect akan msk gol..weee..happy..1 dah lps..
next game..team it..
wow..ok..tym nie cuak gakla..mostly bdk2 it nie pnh ade team dlu..n we all kind of cuak..hmm..mulenye kami dpt gol 1..tp..kemudiannya it telah mengejar blk..dan bolos 1..huu..ni pn akibat bola muntah..bola tepi..yg ketika itu rmai sgt player kt dpn gol..n aku sndiri sgt xnmpk..huu..keterlambatan aku utk jatuh..mmbuatkn aku regret sgt..gol ni...waaa.=( tp..xpe..atleast kami seri..kn2..)

fuhh...team ni plng kami takutkn la..sbb mostly..bdk2 nie dtg dr 1 team yg sgt hebat..VANDETA..pakai bju pn..bju team tu..gerun la wei..huu..expecially striker dorang..K!!!die dtg dpn gol jer..peluh aku makin byk..hahha..tp serius..xtipu nie..huu..tp..alhamdulillah..smgt kejesame kami sepasukan..n stricker2 kami..kami dpt bertahan hingga saat terakhir dan menang dgn 1-o..


team last nie..team plng cntroversi..account
hahaha..bg aku team ni team plng mantap..men cun..pndai passing..pndai gelecek bola..rembat bola pn kuat..perghh..tym nie..ktorang byk men defend je..thanx korang bantu aku..huu..cuak siot..lg2..bile bdk yg ikat rmbut tu dtg..hahah..muke nk xpuas ati je..maklumla...tym nie..saingan sengit..kononye...ala2..muadzam lawan bangila..cmtu..n thanx jugak kpd supporter2 yg support ktorng..thanx sgt2 korang..hmm..n alhamdulillah..kami seri..0-0..weee..=)
yg bab kontroversi tu..korang nk tau npe??hahha..ok..mse ptg 28 tu..ktorang dh tanye smue org dh..even team ME/ce...bdk laki smue ckp..team pompuan xkn ade final..tup tap..pas men ngan account..pergh..yerla..beze ktorang ngan dorang apela sgt..stakat 1 mata..tb2..dorang nk wat final..byk cantik..ckp mcm ape je..jap ade jap xde..pastu bile urusan smue dh disettelkn..n urusetia pn ckp..xpela..TANPA BANTAHAN..sy umumkn final pompuan futsal xde..ktorang pn lege..tp..tb2..ade sorang mamat nie..dtg ckp..xley wat cmni..dlm mesyuarat kate ade final..eley..kau ley la ckp cmtu..cbe kalau korang mng..ade nk wat final??xde kn..huu..tp..tu aku ckp dlm ati jela..xdela ckp dpn2..tp..adeke mamat tu siap suh ktorang byr 100 sbb buat bntahan..eyh..excuse me..urusetia yg ckp..keputusan dibuat tnpa bantahan ok.hello...sedar diri skit..tp..yg plng aku xpuas ati..adeke die ckp..npe..korang takut ke nk lwn ngan ktorang..huu..okla..kami admit..team korang sgt bgs..tp..doesnt mean kami xley kalahkn korang..kami cme kepenatan..kami ade 5 org je..korang ramai org leyla ckp..huu..tp..papepn..alhamdulillah..bende tu dh setel n kami pn dh diumumkn sbg pemenang...

ni mata2 smue team..
ee/ep-8 mata
account-7 mata
me/ce-7 mata...
finance-pn xsure...

tp..sdih.me/ce xdpt 2nd place even dorang sme mate..hmm..xcane ntah dorang kire..kire bolos ke ape..aku pn xphm..

papepn..aku bersyukur gile..team ktorang mng..atleast ktorang tnjukkn ktorang ni boley beat yg len even ngan 5 org..n sangkalkn tanggapan org len yg ktorang nie xley mng..hmm..xkirela..sme ade tu rezeki ktorang ke ape..tp..sbb smgt..n ktorang dpt bertahan..alhamdulillah..bersyukur gile..
xlpe juga...kepada..hmm..kwn naza..faezah..sbb die dtg saat terakhir..hmm...huu..die tu pendiam skit..tp..pape pn..thanx ye awak..xsmpt nk ckp thanx..sbb awk mengilang lps majlis penutup tu..thanx ye..thanx dtg jd sub ktorang..even dh agak terlambat..tp..sekurang-kurangnya..awk dh bantu kami..THANX..=)
heee..papepn..KSM kali nie..kt muadzam nie..adelah yg terbaek..terindah..terburuk..dan byk gile kenangan..hahhaa..kenangan yg lme2 pn..kembali tym KSM nie..lol=p...pada yg phm..phm la..pd yg xphm..buat2 phmm..tp..smue tu hanyela kngn..n will remain as kenangn jgk..wee=)

ni adalah pic player2 kami..without faezah..=)